Category Archives: Important questions

Important Questions to Ask Yourself in 2012

Ask yourself these simple but important questions at the beginning of 2012:

1)  Who am I? (can you define yourself in one or two sentences?)
2)  Why am I really here? (Do I REALLY know God’s will for my life?)
3)  Where am I going?
4)  a)  What do I REALLY want? (Many people don’t really know)
b)  What must I DO to accomplish it?

“If you truly know who you are, then you will know what you really want, and where you are going”

Who am I? is all about life purpose, that is, why am I really here?  This is the most important question and also the most difficult of all.  It may take you several years to answer this question in a sentence or two.  But keep on working on it.  Do nót define yourself only by what you do, for example:  “I am John the business man.”  You are more than just your work!  Your greater purpose stretches beyond your work and career.  Your purpose in life is also supposed to be your passion!!  That is, the thing that makes you want to get up in the morning and enthusiastically pursue it.  God created you and so only in fellowship with Him will you find all that you have been created for!  To know God is also to really know yourself.

May 2012 be a year of greater self-discovery, leading to self-fulfillment and happiness!

“You have been born for a purpose the world cannot do without”

PS: Here is a very good exercise.  Take out a piece of paper and write on top of it: “What is my true purpose in life?”  First pray about it, and then start writing down all the answers that spontaneously come to your mind.  It takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to really get going.  Try to keep on writing for an hour or more.  Keep on writing even though you may have more than a hundred answers.  Write till it flows naturally.  We are all preconditioned and need to tap deeper into our subconscious.  Write as much as you can.  The answers that réálly touch your heart are those that you must give attention to.  That is where your life purpose lies.  Do that which God really created you for and enjoy life to the full!

“When you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion.  You know it absolutely, without any doubt.”  Rhonda Byrne

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Filed under Important questions, new resolutions, Purpose, reinventing yourself, starting over